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10 Kapal Terbesar di Dunia yang Mengagumkan

Gambar -10 kapal terbesar di dunia merupakan kapal-kapal terbaik yang pernah menjelajahi lautan luas. Jenis kapal terbesar itu biasanya merupakan kapal pesiar yang digunakan sebagai mode pariwisata menikmati keindahan samudera dan laut luas ciptaan tuhan. Terdapat banyak sekali jenis kapal pesiar mulai dari kapal pesiar untuk menikmati liburan dan menghabiskan waktu santai sampai kapal pesiar yang lebih menonjolkan perjudian seperti star cruise. Namun kapal memiliki keindahan tersendiri khususnya pada bagian interior, kapal pesiar menyerupai hotel bintang lima yang menjelajah perairan luas serta menyuguhkan kesenangan di dalamnya. Ada juga jenis kapal pesiar milik pribadi namun bentuknya tidak terlalu besar dan hanya dimiliki oleh para miliyuner. 10 Kapal Terbesar Jenis Pesiar Terdapat banyak sekali macam dari bentuk kapal pesiar, dari mulai kapal pesiar komersil sampai kapal pesiar milik pribadi, namun untuk kapal terbesar itu sendiri biasanya dimiliki oleh jenis kapal pesiar....

About Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist so as to was alive from 1791 to 1867. He was precisely single of the on the whole influential and significant scientists in history, with Albert Einstein himself even keeping a picture of Faraday on his own wall in concert with images of his other idols, James Clark Maxwell in addition to Sir Isaac Newton. Faraday is single of the top, if not the on the whole real, experimentalists in support of all instant, producing new developments inside of the deal with of chemistry in addition to physics. Its inside the domain of electromagnetism and electrochemistry however, so as to he made his on the whole imperative charity. Right at the moment, weve got this amazing fellow to break recognition to in support of the advanced sunlight hours exciting motor, in support of lacking the benefit of it and exciting motor repairs our everyday lives possibly will be significantly a batch more unkind. Michael Faraday was not simply amongst the worlds o...

Manfaat sinar radioaktif dan nuklir dalam berbagai bidang

Manfaat sinar radioaktif dan nuklir dalam berbagai bidang - Sejak prinsip-prinsip radioaktif ditemukan pertama kali oleh Antoine Henri Becquerel pada tahun 1896, lalu reaksi fisi tahun 1930-an dan konsep reaktor nuklir tahun 1940-an, penggunaan energi nuklir semakin meluas, terutama untuk tujuan kesejahteraan manusia di dunia. DI bidang medis senyawa radioaktif dimanfaatkan untuk membantu mendiagnosis suatu penyakit dengan cara memasukkannya ke dalam tubuh. Bahan radioaktif ini mempunyai sifat sama dengan bahan yang tidak radioaktif untuk jenis atom yang sama. Misalnya saja H3 (tritilium), yang bersifat radioaktif ini akan memancarkan radiasi yang dapat ditangkap  oleh atom H lain, misalnya H2O. Karena punya perilaku sama, maka senyawa radioaktif tadi mudah diikuti dari luar menggunakan detektor. Sehingga jika ada kelainan hai atau ginjal di dalam tubuh bisa diketahui. Terapi kanker juga menggunakan prinsip radiasi. Dalam hal ini ada dua cara. Cara pertama dengan menyinari langsung ja...

Magnetic force and how to make a magnet

Magnetic force and how to make a ma gnet-a Magnet is metal that can attract other objects that have elements of iron. Magnet of magnesia is taken from a place in the territory of Asia minor. A magnet can generate a force caused by magnetic attraction called the magnetic force. The area around a magnet which is still influenced by the magnetic force is called the magnetic field. The presence of a magnetic field we can do by way of putting a magnet under the paper, then iron powder sprinkled on paper. Iron powder will gather in the magnetic field around the pole or the magnetic tip. Magnetic field form a specific pattern. The pattern of magnetic field is called the lines of magnetic force. Magnetic force lines meet at kitib-pole magnet. This shows that the greatest strength of the magnet located on the poles. The presence of a magnetic field gives rise to interesting pull-style. Based on the strength of the magnet being drawn to, objects are distinguished into three, namely ferromagnetic...

Nikon Coolpix L31, 16,1 Mepapixel

Nikon Coolpix L31, a digital camera is present to make your photography more fun and easy. Everywhere and anywhere you can take pictures with a variety of models of easy shots. Using the 5x optical zoom for a variety of styles taking photos, the digital camera also features 4x Digital Zoom with excellent quality. Use this camera to take a variety of creative image and enhance the image with special effects in it. See the big picture detail Whatever the situation, wherever you are, you can get photos with the best image quality with just one click. Nikon Coolpix L31 has a 5x optical zoom (equivalent to 26-130mm in 35mm format) and a strong resolution 16.1MP camera, so you can get a sharper image of the object. You can get HD video in 720p resolution with this camera. Life, images, and style Add creativity to photos with special effects and functions belonging Quick Effects. Smart Portrait System and Skin Softening effect is equipped with face detection technology that has been improved ...

Sony Cybershot DSC-W810

With cameras Sony Cybershot DSC-W810 you are ready to fill out a full gallery of photos taken with a 20.1MP memories, so that the resulting image is more detailed or perpetuate next adventure with HD video resolution. New features in this Sony-made technology Party mode, a mode with high ISO sensitivity to capture stunning images in low lighting conditions. 20.1 Megapixels Sony DSC-W810 is designed with the aim to provide the best visual quality. Its main feature is the camera resolution of 20.1 Megapixels, which lets you capture images with sharp, clear, clean, and with amazing color depth. Support 6x optical zoom makes it able to capture the perfect picture detail though. Party mode Features Sony's latest innovations created specifically to accompany your fun time with friends during a party. High ISO sensitivity allows the W810 to capture images in situations or places with very minimal lighting conditions though, without reducing the quality of images produced. 26 mm Wide Angle...

Canon IXUS 160 compact camera is superb

A digital camera like a pocket with a compact design that is the production of digital cameras Canon Canon IXUS 160. Canon comes back with a minimalist design and flexible, and easy to carry wherever you go. Equipped with a 20 megapixel lens and 8x optical zoom is equipped with a flash, the Canon IXUS 160 is ready to present the results of pictures and video with HD quality for all of you. The main feature of the Canon IXUS 160 Ultra Slim Design Canon IXUS 160 has an ultra thin design that gives a touch of minimalist elegance. Has dimensions of 9.5 x 5.4 x 2.2 cm with a weight of 127 grams, this camera is perfect to be brought together without consuming much space. In the body, the Canon IXUS 160 is wrapped with a choice of attractive colors like black, red, and white. Capturing Precious Moments with HD quality Equipped with a 20 MP lens with a focal length of 5.0 to 40.0 mm, the Canon IXUS 160 is able to bring exceptional image quality. You also can still enjoy quality photographs eve...

Teknologi membuat orang kreatif

Teknologi membuat orang kreatif. Sampai saat ini peralatan seperti komputer, kamera digital, scanner, printer portable, tablet grafis pressure-sensitive dan sebagainya bukan lagi peralatan yang asing. Teknologi tersebut membuka pintu sehingga orang dapat mengeklorasi cara-cara baru mengekspresikan kreativitasnya. Kita semua mempunyai ide kreatif, dan anugrah ini dibantu dengan tersedianya sofware komputer untuk mewujudkan ide-ide, mempercepat proses pembuatan, dan bahkan mungkin keasyikan tersendiri ketika kita melakukannya. Yang paling penting, kita hanya perlu belajar dan membiasakan diri memanfaatkan sofware-sofware yang tersedia. Pikirkanlah bahwa sofware-sofware tersebut didesain sebagai serangkaian alat bantu untuk anda pergunakan semaksimal mungkin. Sebagaimana halnya seorang pelukis yang memiliki kuas, pastel, pensil, penghapus, gunting, perekat atau serbuk glitter, maka Photoshop bertindak sebagai alat untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas anda melalui komputer. Sebagai indivi...

Cara merawat dan menyimpan kamera agar terhindar dari jamur

Cara merawat dan menyimpan kamera agar terhindar dari jamur. Tips ini khusus buat yang punya kamera atau hobi fotografi. Asal tahu saja, udara dingin adalah musuh utama lensa kamera anda. Jika cara menyimpannya sembarangan, jangan kaget kalau begitu mau dipakai lensamu sudah ditumbuhi berbagai jenis jamur yang memudarkan kebeningannya. Akibatnya gambar hasil jepretan juga akan berkurang ketajamannya. Otomatis untuk mengeditnya di komputer akan lebih menyulitkan anda. Agar lensa kamera anda yang berharga tersebut tidak mudah rusak, simpanlah dalam kotak, boleh kaleng, boleh juga plastik yang selalu tertutup rapat. Sebelum kaleng ditutup, taburkanlah disekitar lensa tersebut dengan butir-butir silica gel, bahan kimia penghisap kelembapan. Untuk mendapatkan butir-butir ini tidak terlalu susah koq, bisa dibeli di toko-toko foto yang agak besar. Harganya pun tidak mahal dibanding jika kamera anda rusak. Silicia gel yang masih baik dan kering, warnanya kebiruan. Janganlah dibeli jika warnany...

Pengertian Digital Printing

Pengertian Digital Printing. Apa itu digital Printing? Bagaimana cara kerjanya? Agar anda lebih jelas berikut saya share, mungkin berguna bagi anda. Digital Printing bisa kita artikan dengan bebas sebagai proses pencetakan suatu gambar atau design ke media cetak dari komputer melalui alat cetak secara langsung tanpa perlu pembuatan film atau plate. Jadi cetak dengan mesin printer biasa pun juga boleh dikatakan sebagai cetak digital atau digital printing. Dilihat dari jenis mesinnya, digital printing dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa  yaitu : 1. Mesin digital printing berbasis tinta atau yang biasa disebut inkjet machine. Contohnya ROLAND, MUTOH, MIMAKI, HP. EPSON, CANON dan printer wide format seperti Myjet, NUR, VUTEK, SCITEX. Printer dekstop seperti Espon R230 juga bisa dimasukkan kedalam jenis inkjet machine. Untuk mesin berbasis tinta ini bisa dibedakan juga berdasarkan jenis tintanya yaitu : a. Printer dengan tinta dye/pigment. Tinta dye merupakan tinta waterbase atau tinta yang basis...

Perbedaan rinci laptop, notebook dan netbook

Perbedaan rinci laptop, notebook dan netbook. Sampai saat ini ternyata masih banyak yang belum bisa membedakan antara laptop, netbook dan notebook. Hingga terkadang saat ngobrol jadi tentang hal tersebut jadi nggak nyambung. Istilah Laptop muncul seiring dengan adanya istilah Notebook. Namun kata ‘laptop’ lebih sering digunakan karena diambil dari perilaku pengguna notebook itu sendiri, yang lebih suka meletakkan notebooknya di atas paha daripada meletakkan di atas meja, kata ‘laptop’ Berasal dari kata “LAP” dan “TOP”, lap = pangkuan, top = diatas, maka munculah istilah laptop yang berarti diatas pangkuan . Netbook, “NET” itu artinya gadget yang satu ini khusus didesain untuk berinterNET ria dimanapun dan kapanpun juga. Netbook mempunyai tampilan yang mungil, dengan layar antara 7 sampai 10.1 inch, daya tahan baterai yang lama (4-9 jam sekali charging). Kenapa Netbook bisa mempunyai ketahanan baterai yang cukup lama, ini tidak lain karena Netbook kebanyakan menggunakan prosesor sekelas...


WHAT IS A SPECIAL EFFECT? Special Effects or Special Effects in the Indonesian language, often abbreviated SPFX or SFX widely used in the world of film, television and entertainment. With this definition, there just are not special effects in films, such as those known to ordinary people. Special effects are not only tangible image, but having the broad sense. So if we often see live music with all kinds of laser light, fireworks, it can also be categorized as special effects. Whatever its form, special effects used to enhance the impact of an object on the human senses. It could be a spectacle objects, pictures, or performances. Thus, the expected special effects can enhance a person's attraction to such objects. Special effect is a combination of art and technology. In terms of technology, not just a mastery of the technology used, but also knowledge of how to capture the image of the human senses to be received by the brain. While the arts, a role on how these technologies are u...


EFFECTS OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. There are several usability use special effects. 1. Special effects used to visualize scenes that can not be achieved with the usual tools, such as space travel to Mars. Never before have humans to Mars. For that special effects used to create it. 2. Also used when special effects when using a real tool even very expensive. For example if we want to make a very powerful blast, destroying many buildings, cars, and other infrastructure. If you want to save costs, special effects can be a mainstay. 3. Special effects are also used when the use of filming real people or tools would endanger a particular actor. For example the explosion scene, the actors certainly do not want to die stupid time making movies, so the explosions carried out by special effects. 4. Special effects are also used to improve the quality of the films that have been taken, by adding, reducing or changing the elements in the film. In the latest release of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of ...


ENGINEERING SPECIAL EFFECTS. There are many techniques used in special effects. Start of film techniques in the 1920's until now rapidly adopted CGI (Computer Generated Imagery). The use of special effects techniques are not limited to just one in filmmaking. Commonplace, if a film uses various combinations of special effects techniques. Traditionally, special effects can be divided into two, namely Optical Effects and Mechanical Effects (or often called In-Camera Effects). The difference is that at the time of its use. Optical Effects refers to the manipulation of the image after shooting is completed. While the Mechanical Effects refers more to the use of special effects when shooting. Mechanical Effects was the first time emerged, namely the use of miniatures, rear projection, pyrotechnics, stopmotion animation and matte paintings. Optical effects appear then use the bluescreen, compositing, multiple exposures complement the special effects techniques in the early era of its dev...


SPECIAL EFFECTS VS VISUAL EFFECTS. There are several terms that should be known, because some terms are often confused, namely the Special Effects and Visual Effects. Even the Academy Awards also rename the award in one category of Best Achievement in Special Effects, a Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects, finally now a Best Achievement in Visual Effects to accommodate changing times. Visual Effects is the term sub-category of Special Effects, where images and movies manipulated in post production. Usually visual effects scenes dealing with the integration between real human beings (live-action shot) with a CGI or other elements such as miniature, etc. Thus, a computer-generated effects that go on in the editing process known as CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) Effects or Visual Effects - Special Effects instead. While the Special Effects is the term used to refer to the effects used at the time of filming done.


SPECIAL EFFECTS ANIMATION. Made with computer effects that go on in the editing process known as CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) Effects or Visual Effects - Special Effects instead. But in the CGI there are other terms that might be a little confusing, that is, Special Effects Animation. Special Effects Animation is a branch of the animation (which is a function of the CGI scope.) This field is specialized to make all the moving objects, except the characters. For characters, this field is called Character Animation. Special Effects Animation can make objects ranging from cars, buildings, rain, wind, fire, lasers, water and other natural phenomena. So, when you use 3D software to create certain effects, say you're making Special Effects Animation. But after these effects are integrated in the film in post production, the result is you're making Visual Effects.


BAD INFLUENCE OF SPECIAL EFFECTS IN FILM. We now live in the era of special effects, where special effects become someone to watch a movie teaser. Created special effects so convincing, so we see it as if real. Even something that we believe is unlikely, for example, animals that talk, we could believe it when we see the film, because the movement of muscles, jaw, and mouth of these animals are so convincing. It's not a problem for us as adults. But for children, it can be very dangerous. How much we hear, a child falls and fractures, and even die because it mimics want to fly like a champion. Children who witnessed the Power Ranger, marveled at the champion. Power Ranger was never wounded, although falls from height, hit, hit, kicked because everything is made ​​with special effects. Children imitate the style of fighting with the Power Ranger, will most likely be injured. If you ever watched the Twister (1996), surely you remember how Helent Hunt escaped by tying themselves to an...