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Anguilla map

Anguilla map. Anguilla state located in the Leeward Islands, the Caribbean, is a federal two-island nation in the West Indies. Its area is 261 square kilometers with a population of approximately 42 696 inhabitants. These two islands are also among the longest-controlled invaders, especially Britain and France, who made their first colony in the West Indies. During the 17th century until the early 18th century, the two countries take turns to take over the island, until finally in 1713 handed over to the British. 5000 years before Europeans entered, the island was inhabited by Native Americans of Indian tribes. Kalinago tribe was the last tribe who live there, who went 3 centuries before Europeans entered. In 1962 a battle between the Kalinago against colonial, which causes most of the tribe was destroyed. Initially, two small islands within 3 km it stand alone as a country, but eventually both can be united into one country England. All three became into 1967. But in 1971, Anguilla re...


Anguilla flag free vector . Anguilla country flag rectangular with dark blue base color. Unlike the other flag in the flag usually there is only one course logo, flag Anguilla has two different logos. In the top left corner there is a picture such as the British flag and in the middle a bit to the right side there is a white logo frame with a picture of three fish in it. Anguilla flag vector free we provide for you who need it. Please download the link that has been provided, then you can modify the size and color as desired. DOWNLOAD File size : 22.8 KB


Angola flag free vector . Angolan state flag rectangular, using basic colors red and black. In the middle of a meeting between the black and red color shows the image of the serrations, stars, and a sword is golden yellow. Angola flag vector format we provide for free. Please take and modify as you wish using CorelDraw X4 or later. You can change any existing tools provided there. DOWNLOAD File size : 20.9 KB


Andorra flag vector free . Andorra state flag rectangular with three primary colors, namely red, yellow, and blue. Amidst the yellow color are carved frame in which there are four boxes that look like the picture below. One of the unique images are twin cows, with horns, footprint, and blue neck tie. At the bottom of the frame there is a clear writing that reads VIRTVS VNITA FORTIOR. For those of you who are looking for Andorra flag image, below we provide for free. Small vector format, so you can pick it up quickly. Please modify itself in size. DOWNLOAD File size : 100 KB

American Samoa

American Samoa flag vector . Country American Samoa has a flag with a picture of an eagle fly accentuate holding a flag on the right paw and claws spears on the left. The base color is dark blue flag, then there is a white triangle with red margins.American Samoa's flag vector free, please take the link provided, then modify as desired color and size. Although this flag looks much color, but do not worry, the files that we provide are relatively small. DOWNLOAD File size : 47.1 KB

Altai Republic

Altai Republic flag vector . Altai Republic flag state has a very simple, of flags in the world are there. International flag state Altai shaped box with a white background, at the bottom there are two horizontal boxes, one larger and one smaller. This simple easy admin flag to process them into vector. For those of you who need a flag of the Republic of Altai, I give this flag vector free. Please change the color or size according to your wishes. Vector file size that we provide is very small. You can see it on the file size. DOWNLOAD File size : 16.9 KB


Algeria flag vector . Algeria state flag rectangular divided into two colors with the same size as well, which are green and white. In the midst of white and green meeting envisaged a crescent and red star. In addition, there is no other color contained on this flag. Algeria's state flag vector format given free of charge to your admin who need it in the interests. You can change the color and shape as desired by using the software CorelDraw X4 up. Cdr file that we gave this small, no more than 20 KB. Please feel free to download and use as needed. DOWNLOAD File size : 19.9 KB


Alderney flag vector . Alderney state flag accentuate dark red cross right in the middle of a white color. Horizontal red boxes that form a cross longer when compared with the vertical. In the middle of a meeting between the horizontal and vertical boxes are similar to the circle and the ball in the middle of the circle there is a crowned lion running with a flower. Admin themselves also do not know what the meaning of the image. Clearly, the admin provides Alderney flag free vector format with the intention that it can be used as needed. Simply use CorelDraw, you can change the color and shape as desired. DOWNLOAD File size : 104 KB


Albania flag vector . Albanian state flag looks much simpler than the flag of another country that we publish. The state flag uses only two colors, namely red and a black old. Rectangular with a red base color, in the middle there is a picture of two black-headed bird. For those of you who are looking for an Albanian flag that can be edited using CorelDraw X4 version up, then the picture below can be tried. Please download free Albanian flag vector format and use according to your interests. DOWNLOAD File size : 27.8 KB


Aland flag vector . Aland state flag is a simple rectangular flag, using the 3 primary colors with the main base color dark blue. Other colors are yellow and red. In the middle there is a rectangular horizontal cross-coated red with yellow crosses. Aland state flag which we provide for free this vector you can do re-use CorelDraw X4 version up. You can change the color and size as needed. DOWNLOAD File size : 17.7 KB


Ajaria flag vector. Ajaria state flag rectangular with color in white and blue alternating dominance. In the top left corner there is a rectangular grid of white basic color, there is a large red cross and four small-sized the same as the red color too. Ajaria country's flag we provide for free for those who need it for digital interests. You can easily edit them using Corel DRAW X4 or later. Changing the size of the color can be done simply by clicking Ungroup menu. DOWNLOAD File size : 20.2 KB


Afghanistan flag vector. Afghan state flag rectangular divided into three vertical color illustrated. Each color has the same size. The colors are black, red and green. In the middle of the red color are white circular logo. Afghan state flag can be said simple but clear. Pictures flag of Afghanistan that we provide free vector format. Please take and edit using Coreldraw X4 back if you need it. DOWNLOAD File size : 143 KB


Adygea state flag vector format we provide free of charge to those who need to digitally interests. The size is very small, please download and open with CorelDraw X4 to edit it. Adygea state flag rectangular shaped with dark green base color. This flag design is quite simple, in the bottom center looks three yellow arrows. Arrows section standing vertical, while the other two crosses. At the top of the arrows, seen three stars lined horizontal precision with three arrows. While at it again there are nine pictures of stars with the distance between one and the other the same, except for the two stars that are located rather far apart from other stars. DOWNLOAD File size : 22.5 KB


State flag Abkhazia vector . Abkhazia state flag rectangular, has three colors, namely green dominates the main box, red in the rectangular box, with 7 stars curved around the left hand. Stars and right palm using a clean white color. Red box that contains the right palm and the star is located in the upper left. Abkhazia state flag vector format we provide free of charge to you who need to digitally interests. The size is very small, please download and open with CorelDraw X4 to edit it. DOWNLOAD File size : 21.8 KB

13 design Doraemon

Vector images, 13 design Doraeman adalah tiga belas desain tokoh kartun terkenal Doraemon dalam berbagai pose. Desain digital ini digarap dengan Corel Draw X4, jadi jika anda berniat untuk mengambil desain ini pastikan Coraldraw versi X4 telah terinstal dengan baik pada komputer anda. Doraemon dalam 13 pose ini masing-masing disediakan dalam satu link unduhan, diharapakan anda akan dengan mudah mengambil pos mana yang diinginkan. Tetapi jangan khawatir anda akan banyak kehilangan waktu untuk mengunduhnya, karena masing-masing desain dalam ukuran kecil, meskipun anda ingn mengambil file cdr semuanya hanya membutuhkan sedikit waktu. 13 design Doraemon Berikut ketigabelas desain pose Doraemon : 1. Angry Menggambarkan tokoh kartun doraemon sedang marah, berlari seakan-akan ingin memukul lawannya. DOWNLOAD File size : 552 KB 2. Eat cake Menggambarkan Doraemon sedang makan roti sambil memejamkan mata, keceriaan tergambar di wajahnya. DOWNLOAD File size : 553 KB 3. Excited Gambar doraemon se...

Three cartoon eyes of three

Three cartoon eyes of three, adalah sebuah desain vektor yang dikerjakan dengan Corel Draw yang diwujudkan dengan gambar tiga kartun yang masing-masing memiliki tiga mata. Jika sekilas dilihat mirip dengan logo android. Desain digital ini bisa anda gunakan untuk membantu pekerjaan anda dalam mendesain. Ikon ini mungkin saja dibutuhkan untuk kepentingan tertentu, misalnya untuk sablon, baik manual ataupun digital. Untuk kepentingan sablon digital tidak menjadikan masalah, karena warnanya dengan mudah bisa disesuaikan. Namun, bagi sablon manual ini merupakan desain rumit, karena banyaknya warna dan bentuknya yang banyak coretan. Untuk itu, silahkan edit/modifikasi cdr filenya sesuai dengan keinginan dan kepentingan menggunakannya. Dengan CorelDRAW X4 semuanya dapat anda kerjakan dengan mudah. Silahkan unduh jika anda menginginkannya pada link yang disediakan. DOWNLOAD File size : 594 KB

Cartoon man with mustache

Cartoon man with mustache. Vector images, Cartoon man with mustache adalah sebuah deain gambar kartun pria berkumis berformat vector garapan corel draw X4. Pria ini pernah saya gabungkan dengan kartun seorang wanita besar, menjadikan gambar tersebut terlihat unik. Lihat Fat woman and little man. Tetapi untuk postingan ini hanya saya ambil si pria kecilnya saja. Gambar kartun pria ini memiliki sayap di kepalanya, dengan belati terselip di pinggangnya. Silahkan modifikasi sendiri jika ada yang kurang pas. Desain ini bisa anda gunakan untuk sablon kaos manual maupun digital. Jika ada yang kuran pas silahkan edit bentuk, warna maupun ukurannya. Namun, untuk sablon manual membutuhkan banyak film karena warnanya yang banyak. Cdr file free ini saya bagikan gratis, ambil jika berminat pada link yang disediakan. Untuk format JPEGnya saja juga bisa anda unduh dengan cara mengklik gambarnya kemudian klik kanan dan pilih simpan pada komputer. Cartoon  DOWNLOAD File size : 566 KB

Mickey cuddle

Vector images, Mickey cuddle adalah sebuah desain vektor gratis garapan Coreldraw X4 yang diwujudkan dalam sbuah gambar tokoh kartun Mickey yang sedang berpelukan. Gambar tersebut tampak cantik, sehingga cocok jika disablon pada kaos anak-anak. Desain kartun ini jelas, dan tidak ruwet, sehingga diharapkan anda dapat menggarapnya dengan mudah. Tidak menutup kemungkinan anda kurang puas dengan desain tersebut, maka file cdrnya bisa anda edit/modifikasi sesuai keinginan anda. Baik warna, bentuk maupun ukurannya. Tentu saja harus disesuaikan dengan warna dasar kaos dan besar kecilnya kaos yang akan disablon. Bisa diletakkan di bagian depan maupun belakang kaos. File cdr ini gratis alias free, silahkan ambil pada link yang disediakan. Untuk format JPEGnya klik gambar dan simpan. Untuk yang sedang belajar coreldraw dan pengin ngutik desain ini silahkan belajar menggunakan tool-tool coreldraw pada artikel Cara menggunakan menu File CorelDraw DOWNLOAD File size : 557 KB

Fat woman and little man

Vector images, Fat woman and little man, sebuah desain garapan Corel Draw X4 yang menggambarkan seorang wanita gendut dan besar berjalan bersama seorang pria yang pendek kecil. Desain vektor free ini menggunakan banyak warna. Bagi yang menggunakannya untuk sablon kaos digital tentunya tidak menjadikan masalah, namun bagi yang menggunakannya untuk sablon manual pasti akan menemui kesulitan. Selain banyak warna, elemen kecil pun banyak terdapat di sana. Padahal pada sablon manual setiap satu warna membutuhkan satu film screen. Jikalau pesanan ratusan atau bahkan ribuan mungkin keuntungan akan terlihat, tetapi jika pesanan sedikit maka tidak akan menutup beaya pembuatan filmnya. Karena tentu waktu yang dibutuhkan akan lebih lama. File cdr gratis ini saya bagikan, bagi yang naksir file cdrnya saja silahkan unduh pada link yang disediakan, sedangkan bagi yang menginginkan JPEG format klik gambar dan simpan pada komputer anda. File coreldraw ini juga bisa dimodifikasi menurut keinginan anda,...

Lion carrying batons

Lion carrying batons. Vector images, Cats carry batons, sebuah desain vector garapan corel draw X4 gratis untuk pencari gambar kucing vector. Seperti terlihat pada gambar, desain digital ini berwujud kucing besar/singa membawa pentungan. Gambarnya memang sekenanya saja, jadi jika anda mengunduhnya dan kurang puas dengan yang ada silahkan modifikasi sendiri. Gambar singa yang tampak keluar dari lubang segi empat berwarna merah ini tampak seperti kartun namun kaku. Bisa dilihat dari outlinenya yang tidak banyak menggunakan lengkungan. Desain ini bisa anda gunakan untuk sablon kaos baik digital maupun manual baik dalam ukuran besar, menengah ataupun kecil.' Bagi yang berminat file cdr free silahkan undah, sedangkan yang hanya menginginkan format JPEGnya saja silahkan klik gambar dan simpan pada komputer milik anda. DOWNLOAD File size : 554 KB