My vocabulary is unique in Central Java
My vocabulary is unique in Central Java. Java is a homeland the filter by Monique various art and culture unique filter. Contemporary music, sculptures, art carving decoration, art and other language-other. However, for this constantly going about discussing vocabulary of the Java language, which is unique. Why unique? As the sample only as filter or also small in the Java language called nipple.
If with Indonesian language or the other filter may be incorrect menyebutnya as youth only. But in the Java language as any filter also has a youth named alone-alone. Not less true, including veterinary filter also small, green and fruit-fruit content pun has its own name. Unique is not?
All's vocabulary is the possession of ancestral Java classes. Aspects of the work in the sense that the ancestors of people already know how to make the Java language vocabulary. Then from time, we may Devon Arts and culture unique to this filter.
In this region of the pick menyertakan filter the list of names in any behalf. Language filter constantly use a mix of language, but more goose use of the Java language, if possible no word filter less understand, please Ask in the comment box.
1. Name of fruit Young, in the Java language in called Nipple
Asem Jagung Jambe Jambu Kacang Krambil (kelapa) Manggis Nangka Pelem (mangga) Randu Semangka So/Mlinjo Timun (mentimun) | Cempaluk Janten/Posol Blebar Karuk Besengut Bluluk, Cengkir, Degan Blibar Babal, Gori Pencit Plencing Planco Kroto Serit |
2. Name of the content of the fruit
Asem Cipir Duren Jambe Kapas Kates Kluwek Kluwih Kesambi Mlinjo Nangka Pelem Randhu Salak Sawo Semangka | Klungsu Botor Pongge Jebug Wuku Trempos Pocung Bethem Kecacil Klantak Beton Pelok Klenteng Kentos Kecik Kuwaci |
3. Name of Fruit
Name Fruit | The fruit Name |
Aren Bengkoang Cengkeh Gebang Gembili Jati Kantil Kelor Kesambi Kuwek Pandan eri So Tal Turi Uwi Widara Putih | Kolang - kaling Besusu Polong Kranding Katak Janggleng Gandhek Klentang Kecacil Pocung Phandaga Mlinjo Siwalan Klentang Katak Anyang |
4. The child's name animals
Ampal Angrang Asu (anjing) Pitik (ayam) Babi Bandeng Bantheng Banyak Baya (buaya) Bebek Bethik Blanak Brati Budheng Bulus Cacing Cecak Celeng Coro Dara Dhorang Emprit Gagak Gajah Gangsir Garangan Garengpung Gemak Glathik Gundhik Iwak Jangkrik Jaran Kadhal Kakap Kalajengking Kancil Kebo Kecapung Kemangga Kepik Kidang Kimar Kinjeng Kinjeng dom Kintel Kethek Kodhok Kombang Konang Kremi Kucing Kul/keyong Kupu Kura Kuthuk Kwangwung Laler Lamuk Lawa Lele Lemut Lintah Lisang Lodan Lutung Luwak Luwing Macan Manuk Menjangan Menthok Merak Nyamblik Pe Pleting Sapi Sembilang Singa Tambra Tawon Tekek Tikus Tongkol Tumo Ula Urang Wader Wagal Walang Warak Wedhus Welut Yuyu | Embung Kroto Kirik Kuthuk Gembluk Nener Wareng Blengur Krete Meri Menter Sendha Tongki Kowe Kethul Lur Sawiyah Genjik Mendhet Piyik Tamper Indhil Engkak Bledug Clondho Rase Drungkuk Drigul Cecrekan Laron/rayap Beyong Gendholo Belo Tobil Caplak Ketupa Kenthi Gudel Jenthit Ceriwi Mreki Kompreng Kedah Senggutru Undur-undur Kenthus Munyuk/kenyung Precil Engkuk Endrak Racek Cemeng Krikik Uler Laos Kotesan Gendhot Set/singgat Jenthik Kampret Jabrisan Uget-uget Pacet Beles Jengkelong Kenyung Kuwuk Gonggo Gogor Piyik Kompreng Minthi Uncung Slira Genyong Jaringan Pedhet Lenger Dibal Bokol Gana Celolo Cindhil Cengkik Kor Kisi/ucet Grago Sriwat Jendhil Dhogol Plenging Cempe Udhet Beyes |
5. Name leaves
Aren Asem Cocor bebek Dhadhap Gedhang enom Gedhang tuwa Gedhang garing Gebang Jambe Jarak Jarak kebo Jati Kacang brol Kacang lanjaran Kates Kecipir Kelor Kemladheyan Kluwih Krambil enom Krambil tuwo Lempuyang Lombok Mlinjo Pari Pring Randu Siwalan Tales (kimpul) Tebu teles Tebu garing Tela Turi Waluh Widoro putih Wuni | Dliring Sinom Tiba urip Tawa Pupus Ujungan Klaras Kajang Pracat, dedel Bledheg Lomah-lameh Jompong Rendeng Lembayung Gampleng Cethethet Limaran (sewu) Kumudu Kleyang Janur Blarak Lirih Sabrang Eso Damen Elarmanyura Baladewa (smarakandhi) Lontar Lumbu Momol Rapak Jlegor Pethuk Lomah lameh Trawas Mojor |
6. Name of the tree
Aren Gedhang Jagung Jambe Kacang Kapuk Krambil Mlinjo Pari Pohong Pring enom Pring tuwo Telo | Ruyung Debog Tebon Pucang Rendeng Randhu Glugu So, bego Damen Bonggol Bung Bungkilan Lung |
7. Name of flower (flowers)
Flower | CALLED |
Aren Blimbing Blutru Cengkeh Cubung Dhadhap Duren Ganyong Garut Gebang Gedhang Gembili Jagung Jambe Jambu Widara putih Jarak Jati Jengkol Kacang Kanthil Kapas Kara Kecipir Kelor Kemlanding Kencur Kimpul Kluwih Kopi Kerambil Krokot Lamtoro Lombok Mlinjo Nangka Nipah Pandhan Pace Pete Pohong (tela) Pring Randhu Salak Suruh Tebu | Dangu Maya Montro Polong Torong Celung Dlongop Puspanyidra Grameng Kranding Ontong (tuntut) Seneng Sinuwun Mayang Karuk Rajasa Juwis Janggleng Kecuwis Besengut Gadhing Kadi Kepek Cethethet Limaran Jedhidhing Sedhet Pancal Onthel Blanggreng Manggar Naknik Jedhidhing Menik Uceng (kroto) Angkup Dongong Pundhak Nyrewenteh Pandul Ingklik Krosak Karuk Ketheker Drenges Gleges |
That is unique in the Java language vocabulary. There are still many other vocabulary, perhaps for another time I could write it down.
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