Pemakaian kata tanya How much
Pemakaian kata tanya How much. Untuk menanyakan jumlah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns) kita pakai: How much, yang artinya: berapa. Susun tertib kalimatnya adalah:
How much + uncountable nouns
1. How much coffee is your mother buying? (Berapa kopi ibumu sedang membeli?)
Jawab: She is buying some coffee (Ia membeli sedikit kopi).
2. How much salt did you buy yesterday? (Berapa banyak garam kau beli kemarin)
Jawab: I bought some salt. (Saya membeli sedikit garam.)
3. How much water did Supriyadi fetch? (Berapa banyak air Supriyadi ambil?)
Jawab: He fetched some water. (Ia mengambil sedikit air)
4. How much money do you have? (Anda punya uang berapa?)
Jawab: I have one thousand rupiah. (Saya mempunyai seribu rupiah)
Pada artikel yang lalu kita telah mempelajari jika kita menanyakan jumlah benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns) kita pakai How many. Lihat artikel Countable nouns and uncountable nouns, kata benda yang mengikuti harus bentuk jamak.
1. How many pencils do you have?
Jawab: Three./ I have three pencils.
2. How many birds are there in the cage?
Jawab: Four./ There are four birds in the cage.
3. How many sheep does the farmer breed?
Jawab: Ten./ The farmer breeds ten sheep.
Uncountable nouns dapat diberi nama satuan/kuantitas atau ukuran yang terdiri dari kelmpok kata yang berfungsi kata benda yang dinamakan nouns phrase atau frase kata benda. Namun satuan ini dapat dihitung. Uncountable nouns yang sudah diberi kuantitas atau ukuran dapat dijadikan bentuk jamak, dengan ukurannya saja yang dihitung.
Example noun phrase:
1. water : glass : a glass of water = segelas air.
2. rice : plate : a plate ora rice = sepiring nasi.
3. flour : sack : a sack of flour = sekandi tepung.
4. coffee : glass : a glass of coffee = segelas kopi
Kuantitas atau ukurannya dapat dijadikan bentuk jamak, misalnya:
Erlina wants to buy two sacks of flour. (Erlina ingin membeli dua kandi tepung).
Nah, sekarang coba pelajarilah tanya jawab di bawah ini, dan perhatikan penggunaan How much dan How many.
1. How much salt does mother need?
- She needs some salt.
- She needs some.
- She needs a packet of salt.
- She needs a packet.
- How many packets of salt does mother need?
- She needs two packets of salt.
Two packets.
2. How much paint does your father want?
- He wants two tins of paint.
- He wants two tins.
- Hwo many tins of paint does your father?
- He wants some tins of paint.
- He wants three tins of paint.
Kosa kata ungkapan frase nomina untuk menjawab pertanyaan How much.
Noun phrases (frase nomina).
Noun phrases (frase nomina).
- beer : a bottle of beer = sebotol bir, a glass of beer = segelas bir
- bread : a loaf of bread = sebuah roti utuh, a slice of bread = seiris roti
- butter : a can of butter = sekaleng mentega
- cement : a sack of cement = sekarung semen
- chalk : a piece of chalk = sepotong kapur, a box of chalk = sekotak kapur
- chocolate : a pack of chocolate = sebungkus coklat, a bar of chocolate = sepotong coklat
- cloth : a metre of cloth = semeter kain
- furniture : a set of furniture = satu stel perabot rumah mebel
- ink : a bottle of ink = sebotol tinta
- kerosene : a litre of kerosene = seliter minyak tanah, a drum of kerosene = satu drum minyak tanah
- lemonade : a bottle of lemonade = sebotol limun
- margarine : a can of margarine = sekaleng margarine
- meat : a pound of meat = satu pon daging, a slice of meat = seiris daging,
- a slab of meat = seiris daging,
- a slice of meat = sekerat daging
- mee : a bowl of mee = semangkuk bakmi,
- a bowl of mee = sepiring bakmi/mie
- milk : a glass of milk = segelas susu, a bottle milk = sebotol susu
- oil : a tank of oil = satu tangki minyak, a drum of oil = satu drum minyak, a litre of oil = seliter minyak
- paint : a tin of paint = sekaleng cat
- paper : a sheet of paper = sehelai kertas, a piece of paper = secarik kertas
- petrol : a liter of petrol : seliter bensin, a drum of petrol = satu drum bensin
- porridge : a plate of porridge = sepiring bubur, a bowl of porridge = semangkuk bubur
- salt : a packet of salt = sebungkus garam
- sand : a pail of sand = seember air, a heap of sand = seonggok pasir
- soap : a bar of soap = sebatang/sepotong sabun, a cake of soap = sebuah sabun
- soup : a bowl soup = semangkuk sop
- tea : a packet of tea = sebungkus teh
- sugar : a kilogramme of sugar = sekilo gula, a spoonful of sugar = sesendok gula, an ounce of sugar = satu ons gula
- tobacco : a bundle of tobacco = seikat tembakau
- toothpaste : a tube of
- toothpaste = satu tube pasta gigi
- wood : a piece of wood = sepotong kayu
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