
Cara membuat blog

Cara membuat blog. Mengiyakan permintaan beberapa teman yang ingin dibuatkan tutorial membuat blog, dengan senang hati pada kesempatan ini saya mengajak anda untuk bersama-sama belajar bagaimana langkah awal membuat blog. Memang sudah tak terhitung rekan bloger yang sudah mempostingkan ini, tapi tak ada jeleknya saya mempostingkan sekaligus mengisi blog saya ini agar lebih komplit, ya nggak he heee... Mengenai apa itu ngeblog, asyiknya ngeblog dan macamnya silahkan anda baca Asyiknya Ngeblog Langsung saja ya, ikuti langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut: 1. Anda harus mempunyai gmail. Jika belum anda bisa memembuatnya dengan mengklik Get Started dan ikuti petunjuknya. 2. Pergi 3. Isikan Email dan pasword anda, lalu klik Sign in . 4. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman baru. Isi judul blog yang anda inginkan, isi juga Alamat Blog (URL) yang anda inginkan. Klik cek ketersediaan , jika nama URL yang anda cantumkan tersedia teruskan isi karakter verifikasi kata klik Lanjutkan . Tetapi ji

Cara memasang gambar header blog

Cara memasang gambar header blog. Melanjutkan posting saya Cara mudah membuat gambar header blog dengan Photoshop, diposting singkat ini saya akan mengajak anda untuk memasangnya. Memang ini hanya tutorial sederhana dan mudah, tetapi memang ini saya tujukan bagi rekan yang belum pernah melakukannya, mari kita belajar bersama-sama. Langkahnya sabagai berikut: 1. Masuk ke Account blog anda. 2. Klik Rancangan. 3. Klik Edit pada bawah navbar di mana judul blog tertera di sana. 4. Setelah muncul jendela baru Mengkonfigurasi Header, klik Browser untuk mengambil gambar yang telah anda buat dari komputer anda. Lihat gambar di bawah ini: 5. Pada pilihan Penempatan pilih "Tempatkan keterangan setelah gambar". 6. Simpan. 7. Di atas navbar muncul keterangan bahwa Perubahan anda telah disimpan . Untuk mengecek silahkan klik Lihat Blog, atau sebelumnya anda dapat melihatnya melalui Pratinjau. 8. Selesai. Selamat mencoba

Cara mudah membuat gambar header blog dengan Photoshop

Cara mudah membuat gambar header blog dengan Photoshop. Header adalah bagian atas yang akan muncul pertama kali saat kita membuka suatu blog. Jika anda suka utak-utik seperti saya pasti ingin memperindah header blog baik dengan banner maupun gambar. Nah, di sini saya akan mengajak anda untuk membuat sendiri gambar yang akan kita pasang pada header dengan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop CS3. Langsung saja ke TKP ya, ikuti langkahnya sebagaai berikut: 1. Buka Adobe Photoshop CS3. 2. Klik File > New, dengan ukuran Width: 900 pixels adalah panjang gambar, dan Height: 150 pixels adalah tinggi gambar, lalu tekan OK. Lihat di bawah ini: 3. Setelah itu open gambar yang akan anda pasang di sana, lalu drag masukkan ke dalam file New yang baru saja anda buat. 4. Silahkan anda beri tulisan atau aceccories untuk memperindah tampilannya. 5. Jika sudah, satukan semua layer anda dengan cara klik layer > Flatten Image. 6. Klik Save for Web and Device. 7. Muncul jendela baru, di sana ada beberapa pili


WHAT IS A SPECIAL EFFECT? Special Effects or Special Effects in the Indonesian language, often abbreviated SPFX or SFX widely used in the world of film, television and entertainment. With this definition, there just are not special effects in films, such as those known to ordinary people. Special effects are not only tangible image, but having the broad sense. So if we often see live music with all kinds of laser light, fireworks, it can also be categorized as special effects. Whatever its form, special effects used to enhance the impact of an object on the human senses. It could be a spectacle objects, pictures, or performances. Thus, the expected special effects can enhance a person's attraction to such objects. Special effect is a combination of art and technology. In terms of technology, not just a mastery of the technology used, but also knowledge of how to capture the image of the human senses to be received by the brain. While the arts, a role on how these technologies are u


EFFECTS OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. There are several usability use special effects. 1. Special effects used to visualize scenes that can not be achieved with the usual tools, such as space travel to Mars. Never before have humans to Mars. For that special effects used to create it. 2. Also used when special effects when using a real tool even very expensive. For example if we want to make a very powerful blast, destroying many buildings, cars, and other infrastructure. If you want to save costs, special effects can be a mainstay. 3. Special effects are also used when the use of filming real people or tools would endanger a particular actor. For example the explosion scene, the actors certainly do not want to die stupid time making movies, so the explosions carried out by special effects. 4. Special effects are also used to improve the quality of the films that have been taken, by adding, reducing or changing the elements in the film. In the latest release of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of


ENGINEERING SPECIAL EFFECTS. There are many techniques used in special effects. Start of film techniques in the 1920's until now rapidly adopted CGI (Computer Generated Imagery). The use of special effects techniques are not limited to just one in filmmaking. Commonplace, if a film uses various combinations of special effects techniques. Traditionally, special effects can be divided into two, namely Optical Effects and Mechanical Effects (or often called In-Camera Effects). The difference is that at the time of its use. Optical Effects refers to the manipulation of the image after shooting is completed. While the Mechanical Effects refers more to the use of special effects when shooting. Mechanical Effects was the first time emerged, namely the use of miniatures, rear projection, pyrotechnics, stopmotion animation and matte paintings. Optical effects appear then use the bluescreen, compositing, multiple exposures complement the special effects techniques in the early era of its dev


SPECIAL EFFECTS VS VISUAL EFFECTS. There are several terms that should be known, because some terms are often confused, namely the Special Effects and Visual Effects. Even the Academy Awards also rename the award in one category of Best Achievement in Special Effects, a Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects, finally now a Best Achievement in Visual Effects to accommodate changing times. Visual Effects is the term sub-category of Special Effects, where images and movies manipulated in post production. Usually visual effects scenes dealing with the integration between real human beings (live-action shot) with a CGI or other elements such as miniature, etc. Thus, a computer-generated effects that go on in the editing process known as CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) Effects or Visual Effects - Special Effects instead. While the Special Effects is the term used to refer to the effects used at the time of filming done.